Hello,同學們好,歡迎來到成都英語培訓——龙8国际唯一登录地址舉辦的企業商務英語培訓系列課程,英語公共演講第第十五課,勸說性演講。Persuasive Speech. 第三小節。
President Hoover called me the morning the child was taken and asked me to do whatever was in my power to solve this crime. But do you know what all the power of the Bureau means without federal laws, without arms, without the ability to make arrests? It means nothing. 孩子被帶走的那天早上,胡佛總統給我打電話要求我盡我所能地jiejue這起犯罪,但你知道沒有聯邦法律,沒有wuqi,沒有逮捕的能力,聯邦調查局的所有權利意味著什么嗎?這意味著一切毫無意義。
Mr. Chairman, I urge passage of the Lindbergh Law, making kidnapping a federal offense, to immediately deliver all the fingerprints in this country to my office, so that we may create a central file, to help arm our agents, so that they have a fighting chance against the submachine guns of some of the most dangerous characters in the history of American criminality. 主席先生,我呼吁通過林德伯格法,將bangjia定為聯邦犯罪,立即將這個國家的所有指紋交給我的辦公室,這樣龙8国际手机游戏官网下载就可以創建一個中央檔案,將龙8国际唯一登录地址的特工武裝起來,這樣他們就有機會與美國犯罪史上的一些zui危險人物的作戰。
And I urge you to do this in the name of Little Lindy. Because if he can be taken, then what child is safe? And if we cannot aid in his safe return. Then what use are we? 我敦促你以小林迪的名義這樣做,因為如果他能被帶走,那么哪個孩子是anquan的呢?如果龙8国际不能幫助他anquan歸來,那龙8国际官网唯一入口有什么用?
第一,通過講述發生在自己身上的一些緊急的事情作為開頭,吸引觀眾的注意力。Starts the speech by telling something urgent happened to the speaker to get the attention.
二,分析事件發生的成因來引出主題。Analyze the cause of the event to get to the subject.
三、提出引人深思的問題并給出答案來說明主題的重要性。Raise thought-provoking questions and providing answers.
四、State things the speaker wants audience to do in an appealing and urgent way. 以有感染力的緊急的口吻來說明演講者要觀眾做出改變的內容。
五、從多方面說明做出改變后帶來的好處。Clarify the benefits of making changes in various aspects.
六、以真實事件中人物的遭遇來強調主題的重要性。In the name of the victim to address the importance of this subject.
七、Suppose and analyze the consequences of failing to make change. 假設并分析不做出改變的后果。
八、分析后果帶來的更深層次的影響。Analyze the deeper influence of not making any chance.
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